Jazz Tokyo Concert Pick 2015

Published Date: Sunday, January 3, 2016

This Live / This Concert 2015

Racha Fora, CD Release Japan Tour 2015

9/13/2015, The Prince Park Tower Tokyo “Melody Line”
Text by Kenny Inaoka

While I was not able to attend as many live shows and concerts due to personal reasons this year, my pick for the concert of 2015 was the project this magazine was involved. This concert was the last day of the Racha S’Miles CD release Japan Tour. The album as well as the tour was worth checking out for the leader, Hiro Honshuku’s love for Miles Davis and his realization of Lydian Chromatic Concept that George Russell taught him at New England Conservatory. Honshuku’s original compositions were blending nicely with Miles’ repertoires such as Milestones, which Miles wrote when Russell taught him the Concept, and Blue In Green, which is written by Miles and Bill Evans and also written with the Concept. It was as if Miles, Russel and Honshuku formed a perfect triangle. It was clear that Honshuku’s Miles tribute was not for a commercial reasons but it was rather a natural development for his career by respecting the history of jazz.

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